

Initial drive for research on materials for energy storage and conversion have focused on mobility. This has shifted over the years between cycles of concentrated research on “hydrogen – fuel cell car” and “batteries – electric car”. We saw pioneering work in the 70’s on materials for hydrogen storage as well as for  the fuel cells. This was followed by a fruitful cycle of concentrated research on batteries culminating on the introduction of Li-ion batteries in the 80’s. There was  a notable comeback of intensified research on hydrogen-fuel cells starting from 2000s with huge financial support where road maps to hydrogen economy were prepared in a number of countries  with well-defined targets.

In 2010 or so there was a rise of battery research again, but these lines of alternating activities were interrupted in the last 5 years or so where the drive has gained a new stimulus from the needs of renewable energy. Truly the cost of renewable energy becoming less than that of fossil fuel has altered the whole agenda for research. Now the desire to shift to renewable energy is not just due to the environmental concerns, but it is a way of reducing the cost of energy. This has re-addressed the needs of material research for energy storage and conversion where each lines of activity fits to its proper space, complimenting one other, while still preserving some degree of competition. Thus in addition to needs of mobility, we now face materials challenges for the  integration of electricity grid and gas grid while each being subject to transformation by integration of renewables.

Within this setting, International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (mESC-IS) was inaugurated in 2015. The symposium will take place for the sixth time in 5-8 July 2022. As before the symposium will provide a single roof, for a forum for discussion in recent progress made in four major activity areas, namely i) batteries and supercapacitors, ii) fuel/electrolytic cells iii) hydrides for energy storage and conversion and iv) active material development and recycling. The symposium will have a fair balance of plenary sessions on cross-cutting issues and the state of the art reviews plus  in-depth parallel sessions on specific topics with invited, contributed papers and poster presentations.

mESC-IS 2022 will be held in hybrid mode, i.e. both online and face-to-face participation will be possible. 




Batteries & Supercapacitors

*       Novel battery chemistries

*       Li-ion /Na-ion batteries

*       Metal-air batteries

*       Flow batteries

*       Alkaline batteries

*       Capacitive energy storage systems


Hydrides for Energy Storage & Conversion

*       Novel materials for hydrogen storage 

*       Materials for hydrogen transport

*       Hydrogen separation membranes

*       Hydrides for hydrogen compression

*       Hydrides for thermal energy storage

Fuel/ Electrolytic Cells

*       Advances in electrolysers

*       Advances in fuel cells

*       Reversible fuel cells 

*       Novel processing in cell & stack materials

*       Hydrogen technologies and applications



Active Material Development and Recycling

*       Development of catalysts and catalyst support

*       Active material processing 

*       Battery recovery and recycling